
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Traffic Ethics

So I decided to write something BIG about Ethics. I chose methodics, which used Jan Amos Komensk7 (Comenius), how to educate children in comparison to taking care about plants and soil. I am using my own vocabularly so please be patient. :)

We, mankind, human race, nowadays live in traffic society. Everybody is moving somewhere. We can't ESCAPE this daily reality/need. Think, all you, reading these sentences, can't imagine life without transport.

In traffic rules, we are all equal. Behind the steering wheel we can say about our lane, that that's our FREEDOM. Our freedom ends behind the White Stripes, in other words, where the other's freedom begins. The HONOURED ones are driven.

I consider myself as a participant of traffic, that means, that I use signs, most important are STOP, Give a Way, traffic ligts and directions sings. The other important sign is a wave of a hand by giving me/him a way. But that's about all of us already.

In different countries, they have similar, but not the same rules. In USA they use on a crossroads 4 STOP signs, in Belgium they use rule of right hand preferably without signs, etc. The important difference is left/righthand sided traffic UK and the rest of Commonwealth.

Driving experience is a cognitive activity, which requires our full attention. There are better and worse drivers, but I am not saying that the better ones are wiser or brighter as the worse ones, it's just a skill.

By driving is one of our HEMISPHERES in primary (or dominant) position and the other in secondary. That' like with the ballerine illusion, where the rightside drivers (EuroAsia, All three parts of America) has dominant (but rather primary)left HEMISPHERE and they have under control RACIO, but not as a leftside traffic drivers, who's has the primary right hemisphere turned on, at the moment of driving, and has under control EMOTIONS.

Moment of a driver is countied in two different speeds, 30mil/h and 50mil/h with focus somewhere about upper corner view. PAST is VISIBLE in mirrors and to the FUTURE heading constantly everlasting by morfing it through PRESENT to past.

Where I see there any Ethics? First, do NO HARM.

So next time, when we will speak to somebody from behind our MIND steering wheel, we'll try to be SENSEFUL (wneemuvee) and our EYES will be OPEN, as our lights will be turned ON. We can use HORN, if we want to warn or VETO's somebody, but don't forget, that mind and SOUL are exactly from a material as a car, only different quality.

And prefer left hand by thankyouing "for a given" way.

This article are partial thoughts about Ethics, it's a part of article series and it doesn't tries to cover whole field of human behavioring.

relevant article : ZIP STYLE